Brandon Avery

Being a big fan of movies all my life I had my favorite, but one type stood above all which were martial arts films. So growing up I was a huge fan of Dragon Ball Z (Japanese animation with heavy martial arts themes)! It was my most anticipated television show at the time, and still is today in some capacity. Fast forward to 2008 when 20th Century Fox released promotional material for their latest live action adaptation for the franchise that was hitting the big screen. It was Dragon Ball Evolution!!! I couldn’t believe it! An actual live action movie was being made about my most favorite show of all time! I was filled with excitement, but admittedly the trailers didn’t look that great. However, I was still oozing with excitement in anticipation for its release. Unfortunately, the movie ended up being a hot piece of garbage crap! Never in my life have I ever been so disappointed and let down! Shortly after, I took my frustrations online via my Facebook profile, and decided to update my status with my thoughts aka my review. While I thought the movie was horrible, I can’t describe how good it felt to voice my opinion online. I didn’t think much of it at the time, other than it being a random outburst of my feelings, but it still felt good.
So I started to post more online about my thoughts of the latest movie I saw. Even though this was just a Facebook status, it was something I enjoyed. I started to receive positive feedback. As time passed more and more of my friends started to engage online, and a small community of movie fans were growing in my circle. Again I didn’t think much of it, but I was encouraged to push forward and write more reviews. I loved movies and friends wanted to know my opinion, so my Facebook status started to become something of appeal. While being a fan of movies, it’s always important to know that you can measure a film objectively, but in the end all of it is subjective. What I will enjoy the next person may loathe, and vice versa which is perfectly fine. Some movie goers just want an escape in the theater and has a different lens for entertainment than the next person. So, when I express my feelings towards a film or television show, it’s just my opinion. I’m providing my opinion, and yours is as valid as mine. I try my best to give a good argument on why I feel the way I do, and if I can do that in a positive constructive way my mission is accomplished.
A great movie is a great movie, no matter the genre. Give me a valid reason why you like or dislike a film, and your cool in my book. I’m Brandon Keith Avery, and thanks for stopping by! Here you can check out my opinion on all the latest films, and see other cool greatness I think is awesome! I`m just a film fan simply put, and if you love movies as much as I do then you’ve reached the right place. I love to converse with others on film in a healthy debate, which can be the highlight of my day. I feel as long as someone has a strong reason for their like or dislike for a film their opinion is justified. I am a member of the African American Film Critics Association and the North Texas Film Critics Association. I am a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Film Critic
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