Roderick Crowder has had life-long love of film and media. Some of his favorite films include “Purple Rain” and “The Godfather”. His film appreciation to a professional level when he joined and as their webmaster and newest designer. Affectionately known by the Dr. Doctor Productions team as the TechVader Crowder uses his technological knowledge to keep the team on the cutting edge of media relations. When film festivals are not in session, Crowder is a full-time faculty and Engineering Curriculum Chair in the School of Engineering & Technology at Dallas College. Crowder earned his Bachelor of Science; Master of Science and PhD [ABD] in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington with interests in communication systems; electromagnetics; sustainable energy design; RFID; engineering education; additive manufacturing; intelligent manufacturing system design; and manufacturing system process automation. His professional career spans the semiconductor, petrochemical, telecommunication, information technology, consulting, and higher education sectors. His professional and teaching philosophy is centered on expanding access and providing the tools and skills necessary for students to persist and graduate.
Board Members
President: Rita Cook
Vice President: Don Ford
Secretary: Tristian Evans
Treasurer: Bobby Blakey
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